
Ficus Lyrata (Fiddle Leaf Fig)

Dhs. 200.00
Dhs. 200.00

The Ficus lyrata, commonly known as the Fiddle Leaf Fig, is a popular houseplant recognized for its large, glossy, violin-shaped leaves. This plant adds a dramatic and modern touch to any indoor space with its tall, upright growth and lush foliage. The Fiddle Leaf Fig is a member of the Moraceae family and is native to the tropical rainforests of West Africa, where it can grow up to 40 feet tall in its natural habitat. However, when cultivated indoors, it typically reaches heights of 3-10 feet.

The Fiddle Leaf Fig has become a favorite among interior designers and plant enthusiasts due to its striking appearance and ability to enhance any room's aesthetic. It requires a bit of attention and care to thrive, making it suitable for those who enjoy nurturing their plants. With the right conditions, the Fiddle Leaf Fig can grow vigorously and become a stunning focal point in your home or office.

Quick Facts

  • Botanical name: Ficus lyrata
  • Common names: Fiddle Leaf Fig, Banjo Fig
  • Family: Moraceae
  • Origin: West Africa
  • Height: Typically 3-10 feet indoors
  • Blooming season: Rarely blooms indoors

This Plant Likes

  • Light: Prefers bright, indirect light; can tolerate some direct sunlight but avoid prolonged exposure.
  • Watering: Needs moderate watering; allow the top inch of soil to dry out between waterings.
  • Humidity: Thrives in moderate to high humidity levels, ideally around 50-65%.

How to Take Care of It

To care for your Fiddle Leaf Fig, place it in a spot with bright, indirect light, such as near a window with filtered sunlight. Water it moderately, ensuring the top inch of soil dries out between waterings to prevent overwatering. Maintain moderate to high humidity levels by misting the plant regularly or using a humidifier. Use well-draining soil to avoid root rot and fertilize the plant with a balanced, water-soluble fertilizer every month during the growing season. Prune any dead or damaged leaves and rotate the plant periodically to ensure even growth. With proper care, your Fiddle Leaf Fig will thrive, adding a touch of elegance and greenery to your indoor space.