
Jatropha Curcas

Dhs. 10.00
Dhs. 10.00

The Jatropha curcas, commonly known as the Physic Nut or Barbados Nut, is a hardy and versatile plant belonging to the Euphorbiaceae family. This perennial shrub or small tree is prized for its robust nature and numerous applications, particularly in biofuel production. The plant features large, lobed leaves and produces clusters of small, yellow-green flowers, followed by oval-shaped fruits containing seeds rich in oil.

Native to Central America, Jatropha curcas has been widely cultivated in tropical and subtropical regions worldwide. It thrives in arid and semi-arid climates, making it well-suited to the environmental conditions in the UAE. The plant can grow up to 20 feet tall and is known for its ability to withstand drought and poor soil conditions, which makes it a valuable crop for marginal lands.

Jatropha curcas is notable for its seeds, which contain up to 40% oil. This oil can be processed into biodiesel, providing a renewable energy source. In addition to its industrial uses, the plant also has medicinal applications, with various parts of the plant used in traditional medicine to treat a range of ailments. However, it is essential to handle the plant with care, as its seeds and sap are toxic if ingested.

Quick Facts

  • Botanical name: Jatropha curcas
  • Common names: Physic Nut, Barbados Nut
  • Family: Euphorbiaceae
  • Origin: Central America
  • Height: Up to 20 feet
  • Blooming season: Year-round in tropical climates

This Plant Likes

  • Light: Prefers full sunlight, requiring at least 6-8 hours of direct light daily.
  • Watering: Needs moderate watering; drought-tolerant once established but benefits from regular watering during prolonged dry periods.
  • Humidity: Thrives in low to moderate humidity levels, typical of arid and semi-arid regions.

How to Take Care of It

To care for your Jatropha curcas, plant it in a location where it can receive full sunlight. Water it moderately, allowing the soil to dry out between waterings to prevent overwatering. Use well-draining soil to support its growth and avoid waterlogged conditions. Fertilize the plant with a balanced, slow-release fertilizer every few months during the growing season to promote healthy growth and fruit production. Prune the plant regularly to maintain its shape and remove any dead or damaged branches. Handle the plant with care, as its seeds and sap are toxic. With proper care, your Jatropha curcas will thrive, providing numerous benefits, from ornamental value to potential biofuel production.